Sahara Desert - 20+ Best places to travel in 2021

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Sahara Desert

 Sahara Desert

Area-9,200,000 Square kilometres

The Sahara Desert locate by the Red Sea on the east Atlantic ocean in the west, Mediter Aneesa on the north, and Sahel Savannah on the south. The Sahara is the largest hottest desert in the world. The Sahara Desert is smaller than Antarctica and Arctic Deserts. Scientists found mammal species in the Sahara Desert. The Desert averages high temperatures in summer over 40 degrees. A lot of animals are to survive in the Sahara Desert and they eat plants. Three billion people are living in the Desert(said WEF). And some scientists said there has a climate change every 50 years.

Stories of struggle survival 

The Sahara Desert Spans 11 countries like Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, and 31% of Africa. It has two permanent rivers Nile and Niger. It has one of the harshest and desolate environments on the planet. The main problem is water in Africa's largest desert. Sahara covered 9 million square kilometers of the planet. People have survived and it is a challenging landscape. We can hopefully meet herders in this area. The Sahara community's main food source is animals. They began to work usually early in the morning. And they go nearest well to sustain their life's using water. They get milk from goats and take them to water for drink. The women make butter using goat milk. In some years they have lost half of the goats during climate changes. Because they have not been enough water. Sometimes 400 camels and 100 men travel like 45 days trip to find water. They despite the sandstorms and the heat. There have a lot of buried old towns. The Chinguetti has buried the town in Mauritania. It has a 13th-century library. The library contains Islamic and African religious books and astronomy, mathematics, linguistics books. They have the most interesting book collection. The camels are extremely adapted to desert life. They can cover 7 days without water and 1 month without a meal. Their body tailored for desert conditions very well. They have a good fat storm. Amen Bashar is the first residence of Africa Soni. This zone population is 30000 and there are have some sources like education, food, filtered water. Northern Senegal has a green environment. They started planting 30,000 hectares every year from 2010 and it's like defense in Africa. Northern Senegal has an environmental revolution. Because a lot of women fight to prepare arable lands for planting. The agricultural evolutions generate employed people and now they are planting new plants and research. The Senegal desert children have a good education. More than 150 children learn in schools.

Sahara Desert climate has been stable within the last 2,000 years. Most people spoke Arabic dialects. Age under 12 children aren't suitable to visit this place and they don't allow parties and smoking. If you travel to Sahara, you can use a camel or motorcyclist. However, this trip is very hard, expensive, and risky for all visitors. 

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